Sunday, April 15, 2007

West Hartford Mural

This is a mural in the West Hartford Trader Joe's store. I think the idea is to show some of the local sites. I hate to point out to Trader Joe's (a great West Hartford store) that almost every single thing in this picture is from some other town - not West Hartford. With the exception of the Noah Webster House (where our greatest resident resided), all of those other things are in a place called "Hartford" somewhere off to the east of West Hartford. Mark Twain, his house, Elizabeth Park, the Colt Dome, the Soldier's and Sailor's Memorial Arch, the Hartford Carousel: those things are in "Hartford", where most of us try not to venture. We don't really understand what all of those things from another town are doing on a mural with the words West Hartford stretched across it...certainly they could have found some good landmarks from West Hartford to paint up there!! I mean, there are plenty of good buildings featured right here on this very blog that would look GREAT right up there on the wall of Trader Joe's. Oh well their loss!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Exploring Bishop's Corner

Bishops Corner in West Hartford is a great place. There are four major complexes built in the 60's that are mixed use office and retail, sometimes with little tucked-away indoor mini-malls with travel agencies and barber shops.

Anyways, there was a mammouth two story Caldor here that was turned into a Marshalls upstairs and a supermarket downstairs. The supermarket was called Edwards. Here it is:

To the side there is a shared parking garage. The giant concrete slabs are supposed to be flower boxes, I think:

Lets take a peak inside!!

Some hobo has set up some furniture there amongst the abandoned shopping carts. How industrious! Lets head up to the top floor of the parking garage where you can get easy access to Marshalls.

Oops! When we got out and walked to the staiway down to Marshalls it was blocked. Full of more abandoned shopping carts, too!

Oh well... There is always this rape-o-matic stairwell that we could go down:

We didn't get his picture, but there was some guy with long hair and a guitar living in there when we visited. He was chased out by an old black security guard. Great work!

So lets walk back around to second level. Here is a little Marshall's waiting area of sorts. Three cool 1970's chairs, a trash can and an ash-tray. The trash can has a sign on it that says "trash only". It makes me wonder why someone would put a non-trash item in the trash and what business is it of the person who taped the note on there?

Finally our journey is complete and we survey the great stuff that Marshall's has to offer. Check out these four foot tall metal rabbit sculptures! Too cute!

Wild Oats Community Marketplace

This is the downstairs of Wild Oats, a "natural marketplace" in West Hartford. It is used now only for storing meat and stuff. This place used to be Service Merchandise. They had diamonds and stereos and whatnot. Before that it was a place called Value House and its first occupant back in 1966 was Bradlees.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Nails, Nails, Nails

Well, if you are thinking of moving to West Hartford, Conecticut and are interested in knowing if there are any shops that offer services for the cuticles than look no further. Indeed, there are many options in West Hartford for nails. Here are just a few, but there are many more:

Here is "Nail PRO", they are pros, they do not mess about with your precious nails! Your nails are in good hands here!!

Whoah!! Good grief! Wait just a minute!!! this isn't "Nail PRO" this place next to "Deluxe Liquors" is called is "PRO NAILS"...hmmm, kind of close to "Nail Pro" don't you think???! Let us hope that no giant legal feud erupts here, after all, I am sure they are BOTH absolute "pros" when it comes to nails.

Well, you can't argue with the name of this place. THE BEST NAIL. Bar none, this place produces the best nail in West Hartford.

Anna's Beautiful Nails: I have never seen Anna's nails, but certainly, they must be beautiful! This place had real fancy chandalier hanging inside!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Bus Fleet

Here at the West Hartford Town Line you see a group of buses used for the shuttling of West Hartford children to and from the town's youth wharehousing facilities. Click to enlarge.